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Size: 85x145cm
Medium: Cotton
Edition: 1
Beneting from Hong Kong's economic boom, the government built a lot of multi-storey car parks in the 70s to meet the parking demand, such as the Rumsey Street Multi-storey Car Park in Sheung Wan. The car park is a modernist building and provides more than 800 parking spaces, which is large compared to its kind. Also, the car park is equipped with a power station, an oce, and a student health care center. Both the appearance and the interior design are simple and practical. Most of the car parks built at the same time have been demolished and rebuilt, and this car park still exists as a testimony of one of Hong Kong's eras.
受惠於香港經濟起飛,政府在七十年代興建多棟停車場大廈,以應付 龐大泊車需求,例如上環的林士街多層停車場。停車場屬現代主義建 築,提供超過八百個車位,遠多於同類停車場。除此之外,停車場設有 電力站、辦公室和學生健康中心等,無論外形和內部設計都講求簡潔 實用。與其同期興建的停車場大廈大多已被淸拆重建,仍然存在的林 士街多層停車場,是香港一個時代的見證。