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Size: 23.3x32cm, 17.2x23.5cm
Medium: Cotton
Edition: 10
CCC Wanchai Church Kei To Primary School is not located in Wanchai, but in Yau Ma Tei. Its school organization, the CCC Wanchai Church, bought land from the government to run a primary school in the 1960s to cater for the rapidly growing young population in Kowloon. The five-storey building was tall by the standards of the time, accommodating nearly 1,000 schoolchildren in the area. The most special feature of the building is one of its exterior walls, which are said to look like gourds, hourglasses and crosses, as well as electronic circuits, interlaced and interconnected, adding a unique scenery to the ordinary streets of Yau Ma Tei.
中華基督教會灣仔堂基道小學不在灣仔,而是在油麻地,其辦學團體 中華基督教會灣仔堂於六十年代向政府購入地皮開辦小學,以照顧九 龍區內急速增長的年輕人口。以當時的標準而言算高的五層建築,容 納油麻地區內近千名學童。建築最特別之處,是其中一面特別設計的 外牆,有說像葫蘆、沙漏和十字架,也像電子迴路,交錯而互相連結, 為尋常的油麻地街頭增添一幅獨特的風景。