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Size: 85x145cm
Medium: Cotton
Edition: 1
The Bishop Walsh Primary School in Kowloon City is a well-known Catholic primary school in the district. It was established in the 60s to commemorate a bishop who was active in preaching in the Chinese-speaking area. The Bishop Walsh Primary School implements the campus planning with practicality, so it can cope with the number of students as high as 2,000 at the early stage. Its school building may seem ordinary, but it hides a unique wall design, which adds a bit of extraordinary to students' daily life with design and aesthetics.
位於九龍城區的華德學校是區內知名的天主教小學,在六十年代為紀 念一位在華語地區積極傳教的主教而建校。華德學校以實用性貫徹校 園規劃,因此能應付創校初期數一度多達二千的學生人數。其校舍看 似平凡,卻隱藏着別具心思的特色牆身設計,以設計和美學為學生的日 常增添一點不平凡。