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Size: 23.3x32cm, 17.2x23.5cm
Medium: Cotton
Edition: 10
The old Kowloon Ling Liang Church was built in the 50s, which is one of the earliest Bauhaus buildings in Hong Kong. The current six storey second-generation Kowloon Ling Liang Church was built on the same site where the old church was demolished in the 80s. In addition to being a church, part of its floors served as a kindergarten. For a church-educational building, the beautiful glass windows are often the focus of the design, everyone else clearly knows that this place is where faith and hope lie.
舊九龍靈糧堂於五十年代建成,是香港最早期的包浩斯建築,現時樓 高六層的第二代九龍靈糧堂,則是在八十年代拆除初代教會時原址重 建而成。除教會用途外,九龍靈糧堂部份樓層亦用作幼兒園,對一座教 會兼教育機構複合建築來說,美輪美奐的玻璃窗往往是設計重點,旁 人都淸楚知道,這是信仰和希望所在的地方。